
How you can help me make this game the best it can be

There are three ways you can really help contribute to this game outside of directly funding it.

Boost Awareness

Leave a great review on sidequest

This helps with the applications trending on sidequest, and other people seeing it. This is how most people find the game. The more people who buy it, the more support the development receives!

Additionally, copy that review to itch.

Share with friends

Can you think of someone who would love this game? Send them a message! "Hey check out this awesome game I found on the Quest!"

Follow on social media like fb & twitter. Maybe copy the review there to XD.

Do a post, send messages, share a gif.

Can you make an introduction to the press? -

Share Ideas

I want to work closely with the early community to help shape the direction of the game, and would love your input. There are three ways you can have a big impact on the direction of this game.

  1. Read the dev blog to get an idea on what ideas I am looking for help with, and leave a comment!
  2. Share ideas, questions and thoughts in the community page.
  3. Join the discord so I can bounce ideas off you.

I prefer this kind of thing to be somewhere the community can see the questions / thoughts rather than private messages, so other people can see it.

Contribute Assets

Asset types I am looking for. Bold are most desired.

Feel free to contact me first with what you want to contribute via discord or in the community forum.


  • Equipment
  • Weapons
  • Food
  • Items


Please try to design it in theme with the existing assets, and have it UV mapped to the texture on the left.

*.obj's, *.fbx's accepted.


Contact me first with your idea, so we can talk about direction and feeling.

  • Music
  • Sound FX


This is still in early stages of development, but a large part of the content will be crowd sourced. If you want to be part of this, for now just put a submission below with "I want to help with writing" as your asset link.

Thanks Auri for suggesting and inspiring this page